Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Poster in placed in context

Final poster placed in a city environment to raise awareness of the the coming event.

Friday, 28 May 2010

Final Boards

Final 3 boards for the live brief Bikini Kill showing design development and final outcomes.

Friday, 14 May 2010


This is the final printed ticket for bikini kill, comes presented in outer transparent sleeve with foiled VIP indication.

Below: First printed version of ticket, printed onto plain white paper, this stock was not appropriate as it is too flimsy and looks cheap and tacky and does not compliment design.
Below: Refined version of ticket, made adjustments so that when printed double sided everything would line up effectively.

Below: This is the final compositon and design for my Bikini Kill tickets. I will be putting a foil gloss on the 'VIP' type to make the design stand out and give it more authority over a standard ticket.
I will have to produce both normal and VIP ticket.

From my initial designs I took my ideas into illustrator and created my tickets, they are going to be A format and will come packaged in a small, tight sleeve made out of tracing paper. The reason for me deciding on this is because I want them to be a bit more individual and unique and having a sleeve will one help prevent damaging the ticket and two if it looks more professional, sturdy there is a smaller chance that people will loose it or miss place it.
Below: Initial design development, thinking about format and information needed on a ticket for a night event. For night events it is alot more simple than for say a ticket for a show because then you have to include times, seatings, positions etc.

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Business card design...

This is the business card for the Bikini Kill events. Using iconic imagery from the event on the front of the business card and on the reverse having the logo, address and contact details. I also printed it onto cartridge paper which is slightly thicker to make it more sturdy.

Envelope design for letter head...

The envelope design and letterhead placed together. I have added a stamp to the envelope to put the mail shot into context.

Reverse of envelope, i have included design on reverse to keep a consistency flowing.

This is how the letter sits inside the envelope, the bikini kill logo on the letterhead sits perfectly with the coloured pattern on the envelope making up the logo for Bikini Kill.

Below: This is the first envelope i made out of plain white paper, although this will match the letter head I feel that the envelope needs to be made out of better quality paper to enable it to with stand the post and feel more interactive when people pick it up.

First initial design for envelope below... needs to be more eye catching if it is going to be sent through the post so that people pick it up and read it! I am going to try printing onto different stocks to see if that improves the impact of the envelope!I have added extra detail to the envelope to make it more personal to Bikini Kill...

Monday, 26 April 2010

Letter head...

This is my final composition i will use for my letter head, with this i will also make a envelope for it to be sent in.
I made adjustments to the type, I changed the type face to make it more legible as 'Bebas' is quite hard to read when small and I changed the logo to be centered and also the contact information to be centered and the overall look now looks way more professional and accurate for a letterhead.

These are the two finals that I have decided to choose between. I am going to print both to see which looks more effective!

These are the examples of layouts i have produced for a proposed letter head that could be sent out in reference to the event. Either business related or to customers. Some of these are working where as others will not. If I am going to have the more colourful designs I am going to have to make sure that the transparency is really low so that anything typed onto letter is easily legible. The bottom two on the left I think are working the best. I also think that the top right design has potential also.

Promotional t shirt..

I wanted to place my design on to a promotional t-shirt. I felt that because everyone would have seen the poster i felt that it was only necessary to display the pattern onto the t shirt and that 'Bikini Kill' wasn't needed.Here i have placed the design onto a t-shirt that is being worn just to put it further into context and to give a feel of what it would look like on.

Friday, 9 April 2010

Loyalty cards...

Final printed loyalty card design, printed on to cartridge paper which is quite a thick stock so that it will last longer in peoples purses and wallets.

For each event I would like to create a loyalty card to help encourage people to come back to the night. Maybe suggesting that if you go to the event say 4 times the 5th time you will get in for free which is a good incentive.

After thought I realised that I didn't need to create a loyalty card for the Easter Sunday event as that was just a one off event so would be pointless creating a loyalty card for it.

Above: This is the layout that I am going to go for for my loyalty card for the 'Bikini Kill' event. I am going to print the loyalty card double sided on quite thick stock so that it is durable and also I have made it business card size so that it can easily fit into purses and wallets! It just needs to be simple and communicate the offer clearly. Also I have made it very recognisable to the event so that people will be thinking and talking about it!

Monday, 22 March 2010

Extending the brief further...

I am only going to extend the Bikini Kill event as it has more potential and also the easter sunday all dayer was just a one off event and so couldn't really be pushed any further.

I thought that for each poster/flyer that I had to create i thought i would send a direct mail out that would also help attract attention for the night that is being held.
This idea will not go ahead due to pricing but if there was no limit this could be a potentially good idea to target more people.


I have been told that precision print is a good printers for the job that I need doing. I am going to need a large quantity of posters and flyers that are going to be distributed around Leeds.
I have not been asked specifically to find a decent printers but i thought i would research into it for personal reference and for future jobs for myself.

The easter sunday special...

The lady who wanted me to produce the designs for Bikini Kill also asked if i could do this one off event for easter sunday so I thought I would give it a go and take the opportunity to get my work out there.

These were the first layouts and compositions that i made... experimenting with heirarchy of type and appropriate use of colour.
This is further development, stepping away from the format that i have been using...started using imagery that helps to communicate the idea of rock n roll, guitars, guitar strings etc.

This was the final layout and colour combinations that I sent to Lauren, I personally think that the pink and white striped example is working the best, when I sent them to her she was really pleased and it was exactly what she wanted, all she need was some logos to be added.Looking here i think the heirarchy of the type is working it reads clearly where what and when the event is and communicates easter and rock n roll.
I decided to just place the logos and the bottom of the poster, they are clear but i didnt want them too big and spoiling the overall look and understranding of the poster.
This is the sample which I sent to her with added logos and re arranged type.
The poster was printed onto a off yellow stock which really enhanced the design and feel to the poster rather than just printing it on plain white paper, the paper also is cheap so it wouldn't effect the price of print when it came to getting them produced.

Bikini Kill...

These are the events published on facebook....

These are the final produced designs for my wristbands that will be given out at the event.

Wristband ideas for Bikini Kill night...

After printing my poster out i decided that i wanted the background pink to be a lot more vibrant and powerful so i decided to change it to CMYK Magenta.

This is the finished and completed version of my bikini kill poster that I am going to send to my client. After various amounts of emails we have come to an agreement and there have been a few slight adjustments along the way but they have all been minor and I have enjoyed working for a real client.

I have learnt that i should always add a 'sample' indication to my work just show that it is actually a 'sample' and that it is still mine until I have handed it over!

I have been approached to do some work for an event that is being held at the elbow rooms, Lauren Moss a writer from the no title magazine has sent me a brief to produce a poster design for bikini kill and my logo/name etc will be placed on it so that will be could to get my work recognised by people and maybe get some contacts.
From my selection of designs and colour arrangments i decided to go with these two inparticular pink colours with white type.

This is the first initial vectored image that i made that i thought i could work with, linking in with the whole burlesque feel and vibe.
These are my initial layouts for the poster for the night 'Bikini Kill'.. i have tried to use a limited colour palette and lay out the type effectively and clear, i think with these initial designs here I have not considered the type heirarchy properly, I need to make sure that the type reads clearly and that people are reading the most important things first!

I decided that some of the type was lost with it all being white so i decided to highlight some of it in black, the important information mainly to help with the heirarchy of type and how the type was read.
Here below i have again changed the composition of the type, i found that the layout above was all a bit of a mess and there looked like there was too much information so I spaced it out a little and it has really helped with the legibility of the composition.

I took the bikini kill from my poster and thought i could experiment slightly with the text instead of just keeping it plain BEBAS. I am quite liking the 'bikini kill' with the line going through the kill, it kind of emphasis's death and killing, like putting a stop to something. I have experimented with the blood/paint effect adding more layers to the image and experimenting with different colours.

I really like this one, with inspiration from my little coloured pattern experiments i came up with this one, it's a lot more fun and vibrant which is what my client is looking for!