Friday 9 April 2010

Loyalty cards...

Final printed loyalty card design, printed on to cartridge paper which is quite a thick stock so that it will last longer in peoples purses and wallets.

For each event I would like to create a loyalty card to help encourage people to come back to the night. Maybe suggesting that if you go to the event say 4 times the 5th time you will get in for free which is a good incentive.

After thought I realised that I didn't need to create a loyalty card for the Easter Sunday event as that was just a one off event so would be pointless creating a loyalty card for it.

Above: This is the layout that I am going to go for for my loyalty card for the 'Bikini Kill' event. I am going to print the loyalty card double sided on quite thick stock so that it is durable and also I have made it business card size so that it can easily fit into purses and wallets! It just needs to be simple and communicate the offer clearly. Also I have made it very recognisable to the event so that people will be thinking and talking about it!

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