Wednesday 28 April 2010

Envelope design for letter head...

The envelope design and letterhead placed together. I have added a stamp to the envelope to put the mail shot into context.

Reverse of envelope, i have included design on reverse to keep a consistency flowing.

This is how the letter sits inside the envelope, the bikini kill logo on the letterhead sits perfectly with the coloured pattern on the envelope making up the logo for Bikini Kill.

Below: This is the first envelope i made out of plain white paper, although this will match the letter head I feel that the envelope needs to be made out of better quality paper to enable it to with stand the post and feel more interactive when people pick it up.

First initial design for envelope below... needs to be more eye catching if it is going to be sent through the post so that people pick it up and read it! I am going to try printing onto different stocks to see if that improves the impact of the envelope!I have added extra detail to the envelope to make it more personal to Bikini Kill...

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